Saturday, July 30, 2011


Then what?
Hello, and welcome to Whipchase!

You may know me from my other blog, Alea. This one is going to be a little different. This one is all about ME, and my writing.

I recently decided to try to keep really personal stuff off of Alea (except, of course, my personal commentary) so when I decided I wanted to do #ROW80 and actually write about my writing, I realized that I needed a dedicated place to do that. And voila! Whipchase.

ROW80, or A Round of Words in 80 Days is a writing challenge that you can learn more about here. It asks that a writer creates their own measurable goal and then checks in with the community every Sunday and Wednesday to report their progress. It's about keeping each other accountable and getting some real work done, at our own pace, our goals tailored to what each of us needs most at this point.

Since I graduated from school and didn't have a teacher requesting pages every week, it got really hard for me to stay motivated. Writing, though it can be immensely pleasurable, is hard work and there is no one who will make you do it. You have to be your own motivator. For some people, this is easy. But for a lot of writers, this is hard! We tend to be absent-minded professors of a sort.  I think this comes from tending to live in other worlds in our heads.

But writing only works if you are dedicated and consistent.

And I need a little help with that part.

Enter: #ROW80.

So now the hard part is evaluating where I am in my WIP (Work In Progress,) what needs to be done, and what I can reasonably do in 80 days. I certainly don't want to set myself up for failure.  I have never made a real goal for myself before. My previous "goals" were more like vague inclinations: "Maybe I'll finish it this year." I mean, what is that? How does one work with that? For real. 

It is time to get it in gear. I have been working on this WIP for almost 5 years on and off. And I want to publish. Dammit.

So, tomorrow is Sunday, my check in day number one. Tomorrow I'll be posting my goal and my plan.

If I don't, you have permission throw blunt objects at me.


(that was my whip. embrace it. love it. chase it.)